
download McAfee Labs Stinger

download McAfee Labs Stinger Stinger may be a fast and installation-free standalone tool for detective work and removing rife ma... thumbnail 1 summary

download McAfee Labs Stinger
download McAfee Labs Stinger
Stinger may be a fast and installation-free standalone tool for detective work and removing rife malware and threats, ideal if your computer is already infected. whereas not a replacement for full fledged antivirus package, Stinger is updated multiple times per week to incorporate detection for newer pretend Alert variants and rife viruses.
McAfee Stinger could be a standalone utility wont to find and take away specific viruses. it's not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, however a specialised tool to help directors and users once handling infected system. Stinger utilizes next-generation scan technology, as well as rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations. It detects and removes threats known beneath the "Threat List" possibility beneath Advanced menu choices within the Stinger application.
Details on new or increased signatures further with every Stinger build square measure listed within the Readme details.


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