
Nero Multimedia Suite 11.2.00400 Full Version Serial Number/ Key + Patch/ Crack/ Keygen

Anda tentu sudah sangat paham dan familiar dengan aplikasi Nero 11 Full Version Serial Number/ Key ,  Nero Multimedia Suite 11.2.00400 Full ... thumbnail 1 summary
Anda tentu sudah sangat paham dan familiar dengan aplikasi Nero 11 Full Version Serial Number/ KeyNero Multimedia Suite 11.2.00400 Full Version Serial Number/ Key + Patch adalah kumpulan aplikasi all in one dari Nero yang berisi Nero Burning ROM 11 Full Serial Number/ Key, Nero BackUp 11, Nero Mediahub 11, Nero Vision 11, Nero Video, dll. Nero Multimedia Suite 11 Full Serial Number/ Key + Patch dapat Anda gunakan untuk melakukan pembakaran (burning) CD atau DVD serta dapat memutar berbagai jenis multimedia dan melakukan backup.

Features Nero 11:
  • Integrated Nero MediaBrowser – One-stop access from your library to your project. The all-new Nero MediaBrowser gives you a jump-start on projects. From most projects you can access your library of music, photos and videos with just one click. Drag-and-drop photos, videos or music files from Nero Kwik Media library into your project for a seamless and integrated experience.
  • Create photo books – Delivered from your PC to your door.  Create lasting photo book, calendar and card memories with your family pictures in just seconds, and share with friends and family. No matter what the occasion, you can edit and create beautiful bound books, calendars and cards for gift-giving or for your own keepsakes. Best of all, you can showcase your beautiful pieces with professional printing, and have it delivered right to your door. Available in the following countries: Alaska, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hawaii, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA.
  • Convert DVD-Video* and video files. Multiple video files — no problem. From videos on your mobile phone to DVD movies, every device seems to require a different playback format. Nero 11 provides advanced video transcoding that converts virtually any DVD-Video or video file to any video format for playback on any device so you can seamlessly watch your favorite videos anywhere or any place.   * Non-copy protected DVD-Video
  • Import Windows Live Movie Maker™ projects. Elevate your movie projects. Import and edit Windows Live Movie Maker projects directly within Nero 11. Open Windows Live Movie Maker video files directly, then immediately begin enhancing the original project with more effects for professional results, all within a seamless editing experience. Use Nero’s Advanced Editing features to give your videos the professional touch.
  • Easy and Advanced Video Editing Modes – Go from Easy to Advanced with a click. Get amazing creative results no matter what level of video editing experience you have. Easily switch from express video editing storyboard to advanced multi-track editing with just one click, and seamlessly hand over the same project within the same window. Go from quick and easy template effects to multi-track editing, keyframe controls within the same video editing screen, amazing Picture-in-Picture effect overlay templates and more. Ramped up to give you the best output, your home video projects will impress your friends and family like never before.
  • Nero LIVEBackup – 24-7 Peace-of-mind backup. Take the hassles out of backing up with one-click Nero LIVEBackup for all your digital files and even your entire system. You can still choose manual backup, but only Nero LIVEBackup gives you continuous true peace of mind anytime, all the time.
  • Burn long lasting discs – Create discs that last and last. Expect nothing less than the best with the experts who started burning. Exclusive Nero SecurDisc 3.0 with Surface Scan helps ensure disc readability regardless of scratches, age and deterioration so your content remains intact for a long time.
  • Ripping of DVDs – DVD-Videos ripped with just a click. Move your movies from DVDs straight to your PC with one-click ripping. Put all your DVD and Blu-ray Disc movies* into one Media Library by ripping to your PC. Advanced settings let you rip exactly what you want—strip out unwanted sections, foreign languages, extras and more.   * Non-copy protected DVD-Video
Minimum system requirements for Nero 11:
  • Windows® XP SP3 (32bit), Windows Vista® SP1 or later (32 and 64bit), Windows® 7 Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate (32 and 64bit)
  • 2 GHz AMD or Intel® processor
  • 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM for Windows Vista® or Windows® 7)
  • 5 GB hard drive space for a typical installation of all components (including templates, content and temporary disk space)
  • Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 compliant graphics card with 3D acceleration, 16-bit color, and a minimum of 128 MB video memory is required (32-bit, true color, 256 MB dedicated video RAM, and support for Shader Model 3.0 is recommended)
  • DVD disc drive for installation and playback
  • CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc recordable or rewritable drive for burning and video authoring
  • Windows Media® Player 9
  • Third party components such as Microsoft Windows® Installer 4.5, Microsoft .NET® 4, Microsoft® DirectX® or Adobe Flash are shipped with the product or automated download if not included in the package
  • For some services an Internet connection is required (DSL-1000 and higher recommended). Internet connection charges are the user's responsibility
Cara Install:
  • Disconnect dari internet
  • Install program hingga selesai, gunakan serial number yang di download di blog ini. (Selama proses install jangan terkoneksi dengan internet)
  • Setelah nero 11 terinstall, pergi ke C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\host, jalankan host dengan notepad. Tambahkan file berikut di host: [Karena blog ini tidak bisa di copy, file host ini dapat Anda dapatkan di akhir postingan]
  • Save file host yang telah ditambahkan file di atas.
  • Jalankan program, saat program pertama kali dijalankan akan menampilkan menu member registration, pilih Reminder later.
  • Selesai
Catatan: Gunakan patch bila Serial Key Nero 11 di komputer Anda diblokir


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