Bila sebelumnya saya telah share Browser Mozilla Firefox terbaru 10.0 Final untuk Windows, Linux, Mac OS, maka kali ini saya akan share Browser Mozilla Firefox terbaru 3.6.26. Mungkin sebagian dari Anda bingung bercampur heran, mengapa Mozilla Firefox terbaru yang saya share ada dua (2) versi final? Karena pengguna Firefox banyak yang mengeluh atas keluarnya Mozilla Firefox versi 4 dan menginginkan Mozilla Firefox 3.6 terus dikembangkan, ini disebabkan dibeberapa komputer pengguna Mozilla Firefox sering mengalami crash, contohnya Mozilla Firefox yang sering "not responding". sejak kemunculan Mozilla Firefox saya sendiri beralih menggunakan Google Chrome. hingga saat ini pengguna setia Firefox 3.6 masih sangat banyak, karena persaingan browser saat ini sangat sengit sehingga membuat Firefox Foundation tidak ingin kehilangan pengguna setianya dengan terus mengembangkan Mozilla Firefox 3.6 terbaru sembari mengembangkan Mozilla Firefox versi terbaru.
Notable Firefox 3.6 features include:
Notable Firefox 3.6 features include:
- Available in more than 70 languages – get your local version.
- Support for a new type of theme called Personas, which allow users to change Firefox’s appearance with a single click.
- Protection from out-of-date plugins to keep users safer as they browse.
- Open, native video can now be displayed full screen and supports poster frames.
- Improved javascript performance, overall browser responsiveness, and startup time.
- The ability for web developers to indicate that scripts should run asynchronously to speed up page load times.
- Continued support for downloadable web fonts using the new WOFF font format.
- Support for new CSS attributes such as gradients, background sizing, and pointer events.
- Support for new DOM and HTML5 specifications including the Drag & Drop API and the File API, which allow for more interactive web pages.
- Changes to how third-party software can integrate with Firefox in order to prevent crashes.
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6.26 (English) [Windows] (8.2 MB)
- [Mirror]
- [Mirror 2]
- [Mirror 3]
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6.26 (English) [Linux] (10.3 MB)
- [Mirror]
- [Mirror 2]
- [Mirror 3]
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6.26 (English) [Mac] (18.8 MB)
- [Mirror]
- [Mirror 2]
- [Mirror 3]
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6.26 (Indonesian) [Windows] (8.1 MB)
- [Mirror]
- [Mirror 2]
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6.26(Indonesian) [Linux] (10.1 MB)
- [Mirror]
- [Mirror 2]
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