Auto Hide IP Full Version + Crack merupakan software yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menyembunyikan IP address Anda saat sedang menjelajah internet dan menggantinya dengan IP address palsu (fake IP). Dengan Auto Hide IP Anda akan merasa nyaman dan aman dari serangan hacker saat membuka website tertentu.
Key Features:
Cara install:
Untuk saat ini hanya tersedia link Megaupload karena PutLocker sedang gangguan. Agar download di Megaupload dapat lebih cepat dan akses premium gunakan Megakey. Cek di sini.
Key Features:
- Anonymous Web Surfing. Assign you fake IP addresses which will make hackers taken in, by this way, your IP could be disguised from online predators.
- Protect Your Identity. Hide your real IP when surfing the web to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or stealing your personal information such as your financial information.
- Choose IP Country. You decide to use fake IP from different countries via "Choose IP Country" option and you can check the current IP directly.
- Send Anonymous E-mails. Hide your real IP address in email headers. Be protected in email-sending from Yahoo!, Hotmail and GMail, etc.
- Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Message Boards. Use Auto Hide IP to change your IP, then you can get access to any forums or restricted websites that have banned you.
Cara install:
- Disconnect dari internet
- Install program hingga selesai
- Tutup program
- Copy and replace crack ke C:\Program files\ Auto Hide IP
- Auto Hide IP + Crack (6 MB)
Untuk saat ini hanya tersedia link Megaupload karena PutLocker sedang gangguan. Agar download di Megaupload dapat lebih cepat dan akses premium gunakan Megakey. Cek di sini.
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